Integrated Payments: Simplify your payment process with Endogusto

Running a successful endurance coaching business requires expertise in your niche as well as efficient management of administrative tasks. One of the most critical tasks is effectively managing the payments you receive for your services. After all, that’s what keeps your business going. Endogusto’s new Integrated Payments feature is here to help you streamline your payment process, once and for all.

Let’s explore how you can utilize this feature to improve your financial situation and propel your business forward! 🚀

Setting up your payment process in Endogusto is simple

Setting up the Integrated Payment service in Endogusto is a straightforward task. You just need to become a Pro Plan user — if you’re not already. 😉

Whether you want to create one-off charges or recurring fees, the Integrated Payments feature has been specially designed to simplify the process for you and your athletes.

Want to upgrade to the Pro Plan?
It only takes a few minutes!
Follow these steps

1. Log in to your coach account, and go straight to the “Payments” tab

Go to the payments tab

Once you have logged in to your Endogusto coach account, you will immediately see a tab labeled “Payments” at the top of your dashboard. Simply click on it, to begin the setup process.

2. Take a  minute to connect your Stripe account

Connect your Stripe account

To enable Integrated Payments, you need to connect your Stripe account. Click on the “Connect” button to initiate the process. You will be guided through the necessary steps within the Stripe gateway to complete the connection successfully.

3. Create as many one-off or recurring fees as you want

Then, you need to define the amount you’re going to charge for every service you provide. You can do that by clicking on the “Create new fee/plan” button in the Payment screen — under the “Payment options” section. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to choose between creating a one-off fee or a subscription plan.

Create one-off and recurring fees

If you wish to charge for events that occur once or without a specific frequency, such as a pre-training test or an ad hoc training session, select the “One-off payment” option. In case you want to charge a recurring fee per month or year, select the “Subscription plan” option. Fill in the required fields, and click on the “Save” button to save your settings.

4. Apply your fees or subscription plans to individual athletes or athlete groups

The next action involves assigning a payment plan to an individual athlete or a group of athletes. To do so, navigate to the respective fee (one-off or recurring) and click on “Apply to athletes”. Choose the athletes you want to assign the fee to and click “Continue” to finalize the process. 

Apply your fees or subscription plans to individual athletes or athlete groups

5. Set a due date for your payments

To set the due date for the athletes’ first payment, simply specify the desired date and click on “Apply.” The athletes will be promptly notified through their Endogusto athlete account, and email.  

Set a due date for your payments

Note that the invoice for the recurring fees is issued automatically 5 days before the due date of the payment. Your athletes will be notified on the same day so that they have plenty of time to proceed with the payment.

There’s more!

The Integrated Payments feature offers a range of capabilities that extend beyond the aforementioned actions. For instance, it allows you to have a comprehensive overview of your payments, including detailed payment history and status for each athlete

Furthermore, you have the flexibility to edit your one-off fees and subscription plans, enabling you to pause a subscription or make adjustments to a plan that’s assigned to individual athletes.

Additionally, Integrated Payments can accommodate situations where cash payments have been agreed upon, giving you the option to manually add those payments.

Read this brief guide
To explore the full potential of Integrated Payments

Why should you consider using Science Training’s Integrated Payments for your coaching business?

We’ve already covered the setup process for the Integrated Payment feature in your Endogusto account. Now let’s explore how it can change the game for you and your coaching business!

💻 Increase Management Efficiency 

You can finally streamline your payment process and significantly reduce the time and effort spent on administrative tasks, such as invoicing and payment tracking. This means you can focus more on your coaching practice and other important aspects of your business. 

🕛Ensure Accuracy and Timeliness

By using Integrated Payments, you can rest assured that your payments will be made accurately and promptly. This greatly reduces the risk of errors or late payments that could potentially cause financial difficulties or damage your relationship with your athletes.

With reliable and efficient payment processing, you can put your energy into delivering quality coaching services while maintaining a positive and professional image

🙌Make the Process Direct and Simple

With Endogusto’s Integrated Payments feature, you no longer need to rely on a third-party payment processor or manage separate invoices and payment systems. Additionally, it makes it easier for your athletes to keep track of their payments, ensuring transparency and accountability in your coaching business. 

💵Improve Cash Flow Management

Integrated Payments offers real-time visibility into incoming payments, which can greatly improve your cash flow management. With this feature, you can have a better understanding of your financial position and make more informed decisions about your spending and financial planning.

By having a clearer view of your payment status, you can proactively manage your finances and avoid cash flow issues that can negatively affect your coaching business. 

🔐Enhance Security

Endogusto’s Integrated Payments system ensures that your payments are processed securely and that your data is protected from any unauthorized access or fraudulent activities.

You can trust that Endogusto uses industry-leading security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your payment information; and that your financial transactions are safe and secure.

Revolutionize the way you manage your business

Endogusto’s new Integrated Payments feature is a game-changer for endurance coaches, like you, who mainly run their business online. Whether you’re a seasoned coach or just starting out, Science Training’s payment process is the missing link you were looking for to revolutionize the way you manage your business.

Take full advantage of this new Endogusto service, and enjoy a seamless and secure payment experience, while ensuring smoother cash flow.

Try Integrated Payments Today

Integrated Payments: Simplify your payment process with Endogusto was last modified: June 1st, 2023 by Eleni Konstantinidou