Endogusto Introduces New Integrated Payments Feature

We’re thrilled to announce the release of our newest feature — yes, fellow coaches, it’s the one you’ve been holding your breath about — 🥁Integrated Payments 🎉! This cool new feature is now available exclusively for Pro Plan users, enabling them to accept and manage online payments securely within their Endogusto coach account.

Now it’s the perfect time to upgrade to our Pro Plan

If you’re not sure how to, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
Read this quick guide, and you’ll be up and running in a snap. 🫰🏃‍♂️

We’ve been burning the midnight oil to bring you a user-friendly and intuitive payment system that seamlessly integrates your Stripe and Endogusto accounts. With Endogusto’s Integrated Payments, you can reap a ton of benefits, such as boosted efficiency, streamlined cash flow management, and enhanced payment security for the services you provide. It’s a win-win situation for you and your athletes!

You can easily create and assign one-time charges and recurring payment plans for your athletes, check payment history and status, and do so much more – all from one convenient spot: your Endogusto dashboard!

Are you ready to take charge of your payments?
Follow these simple steps to set up your payment process, in minutes.
Your inner entrepreneur will thank you! 🧑‍💼😉

💡How does the Integrated Payments feature work in Endogusto?

Setting up your payment process in Endogusto is super quick and easy — we made sure of that! You simply need to log in to your Endogusto coach account and click the “Payments” tab. There, you can connect your Stripe account to enable the payment process. Then, you can create one-off or recurring fees for your athletes, assign subscription plans to them, set payment start dates, and voila! Your very own Integrated Payment system is ready for action. 💪🤑

Your athletes deserve a seamless Integrated Payments system too 🤝

Without a doubt, one of the most exciting aspects of our new Integrated Payments functionality is the flexibility it provides for you, both as a coach and a business owner. With the ability to customize payment plans, you can tailor fees and plans to fit your athletes’ unique needs. Whether you’re charging for a one-off event or a monthly training subscription, Endogusto’s Integrated Payments makes the process simple and straightforward for everybody.

In this respect, it also enhances the athlete experience. Just think about it, your athletes can now pay for your services easily and securely within their Endogusto athlete account. They can easily track their payment history and see a clear breakdown of charges related to the training sessions they bought from you. In addition, they can process their payments quickly and efficiently, allowing them to focus on their training without worrying about delayed payments.

👉 Why is the new Integrated Payments feature a game-changer for endurance coaches?

In simple terms, utilizing the Integrated Payments feature for your coaching business unlocks a plethora of benefits that can help you elevate your business to new heights. Read about them below and see for yourself the advantages that await you.

  • Increases Management Efficiency — By automating payment processing and reducing the time and effort to manage the required administrative tasks (as opposed to managing them manually).
  • Ensures Accuracy and Timeliness — By eliminating the possibility of errors or delays in payment processing, ensuring that payments are accurate and deposited on time.
  • Makes the Process Direct and Simple — By allowing athletes to make payments quickly and easily without having to navigate through multiple payment channels or systems.
  • Improves Cash Flow Management — By allowing you to better manage your finances and plan for the future, ensuring long-term success for your coaching business.
  • Enhances Security — By ensuring that all payment transactions and sensitive financial information are secure and protected, reducing the risk of fraud or theft.

🏧Ready to try Endogusto’s Integrated Payments? 💳

Dear coaches, you know how we work by now; especially if you’re using Endogusto for some time now. Hence, you know that we’re committed to providing you with the best user experience every time we have a new release. And Integrated Payments is no exception. We’re confident that this much-anticipated feature will change the game for our Pro Plan coaches and their athletes. 

So, allow us to give you a friendly reminder: if you haven’t upgraded to our Pro Plan yet, now is the perfect time to do so. With Integrated Payments — and other amazing exclusive features — the Pro Plan is the obvious choice if you want to elevate your coaching game. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your coaching to the next level!

Upgrade to Pro Plan, today

What’s more, if you have any questions about the new feature or how to use it, please, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help! 😊

Book a demo with us

Before we wrap up, we just want to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and valuable feedback, fellow coaches 🙏. We’re excited to witness how Integrated Payments will help drive your business success, and we can’t wait to be a part of your journey!

Endogusto Introduces New Integrated Payments Feature was last modified: May 9th, 2023 by Endogusto