Enhanced UI/UX and useful new functionality are ripe for the picking!

Spring has sprung, and new goodies have sprouted in your Endogusto dashboard that are ripe for the picking, as we speak! The last time we served you with a better user experience, we had promised we wouldn’t stop there — and, we kidded you not! We rolled up our sleeves, put our thinking caps on, and came up with some new cool ideas to improve the way you interact with — and navigate through — Endogusto. Apart from a fine-tuned dash, we also got new functionality that will make daily planning a lot easier for you.

But why don’t we take it from the top, to help you acclimate to the new Endogusto experience?

Taking your daily Endogusto experience up a notch, with improved usability, accessibility, and overall efficiency

Did you wish for a spruced-up version of the good-ol’ Endogusto dash to brighten up your day? Done! Have you been trying to discover the full potential of Endogusto, to get the most out of the platform’s feature set, but were hitting a wall? We heard you! Were you looking for a shortcut in creating a new training plan, without having to go to the athlete’s calendar? Roger that!

As you will soon see, this time around, we tried to tick as many boxes as possible in our UI/UX list. And, while at it, we added some new functions that we promised in a previous release, to make your coaching life easier. 

Intrigued yet? Read on, to find out more about this awesome blossom new release!

Improvements in UI: Enjoy a fresh look and feel throughout your dashboard 

Once you log in to your dashboard, you’ll immediately notice that Endogusto has a refreshed look and feel. Well, that’s because we designed new calendar icons, and fine-tuned the dashboard throughout, to make Endogusto more pleasing to the eye. What’s more, we added empty states elements to demonstrate what you’ll see on that part of your screen, once you import the respective data. Αh! You’ll also notice a more tidied-up ‘Training Plan’ overview in the ‘Library’ section; we hope you like it!

Improvements on UX: Find your way around all the capabilities of Endogusto, quickly and easily

We’ve put a lot of thought and effort into making Endogusto a feature-rich tool for the modern endurance coach, but it came to our attention that not all features were comprehensible or visible to the user. 

This is about to change! This release is the first of a series of UX improvements that are on the way. In this release, you’ll discover the perks of Endogusto, much faster — and easier — with Endogusto’s brand new dynamic walkthrough videos. What does this mean for you? It means no more searching and reading how-to articles trying to figure things out; unless you want to, of course, 😁. 

Depending on the section of the platform you’re on, the ‘Help’ videos will briefly explain relevant functions and features, step by step, so that you can finally turn the untapped potential of Endogusto to your advantage. And, not only that, but we also added tooltips that you’ll find popping out from the selected feature titles, briefly explaining their purpose.

All these new UX treats will not only help you learn the ropes around the platform fast, but they will also help you guide your athletes too, during their first steps into the Endogusto world. Furthermore, we’ve implemented them in such a way, so that they help reduce the learning curve significantly; just wait and see! 

Log in to your account, to see these UI/UX upgrades for yourself!

New Functionality: Make your daily workflows easier with these helpful additions

You asked. We listened. We delivered.

You wanted to create a training plan straight from your dashboard, without having to go to your athlete’s calendar. You got it! All you have to do (once you log in) is choose an ‘Add workouts’ icon — displayed per sport— and complete the process within a few minutes — if not seconds. 

See how it works

In addition, we designed a new functionality that allows you to edit existing workouts in a saved training plan from the library. You can also create a new workout in the same plan if you want to. Put another way, with these modifications, you can go to a saved plan and edit or create workouts, on the spot, without having to set up the whole plan from the beginning.

Here's how

You wanted to remove an athlete from a training plan, but you couldn’t. Now you can! With the new upgrade, you can go to the training plan, view all the athletes you’ve assigned this plan to, and remove the one(s) that no longer need to execute it. 

Learn how, here

As a final point, we also like to inform you that we made a few fixes, here and there, to make sure that nothing is bugging you on your way to streamlining your daily workflows. So, here’s the long list of this release:

Release Notes

UI Improvements

  • Added new calendar icons
  • Fine-tuned dashboard
  • Designed empty states elements
  • Refined Training Plan overview (Library)

UX Improvements

  • Created new Help videos with walkthrough instructions in every section of the platform
  • Implemented tooltips throughout the platform for a better understanding of each feature and its purpose

New Functionality

  • Create a workout straight from the dashboard (without having to go to the athlete’s calendar)
  • Add new workouts and/or edit existing workouts in a saved training plan
  • Remove an athlete (or more) from a training plan saved in the library


  • Improved UI — and responsiveness — for the expected time in races
  • The currently selected athlete indication now appears in the recent athletes field
  • Rest days are now functional in the Library plans
  • You can set the starting date of the macrocycle automatically when selecting the macrocycle race
  • Fixed a bug in the message board (posts were not loading when an athlete was deleted)
  • Fixed invalid dates in comments on the dashboard and the analyze section for Safari browser users
  • Corrected the wrong summaries that appeared in specific time zones
  • Faster loading of my athletes page
  • In the workout builder, Safari users are now able to enter distances with dots
  • Corrected the bug that didn’t allow users to download submitted files from their coach on the onboarding field

Enhanced UI/UX and useful new functionality are ripe for the picking! was last modified: March 24th, 2023 by Endogusto