Planning your Triathlon season, the right way

Every triathlete starts the new season excited and full of energy for training; It feels great to be setting new goals for the year. With goal-setting in mind, we decided to go over some important factors you should consider when planning your triathlon season; of course, always in consultation with your coach

Are you ready to set up the best training program for the racing season? Well, keep reading!

8 key factors to consider, when planning your Triathlon season

1. Triathlon distance

Naturally, the training plan will depend on the distance of the triathlon race you want to participate in. Therefore, during the goal-setting phase, you should discuss your  goals for the chosen triathlon distance with your coach. However, your coach has to inform you about the specifics of the process, right from the beginning of the training; that’s so that you can work together more efficiently, towards reaching these goals of yours.

2. Target race, aka ‘A’ priority race

Once you’ve chosen the triathlon distance you want to conquer, the next step is to pick your target race; also known as ‘A’ priority race. Counting down to the day of the race, your coach will know how many weeks you have ahead; that is, to create the macrocycle, and divide the training periods.

3. Ergometric evaluation

One of the most important factors is the athlete’s ergometric evaluation, before starting their training journey. This evaluation is the most valuable ‘tool’ your coach has in their hands. That’s how they’ll be able to set up a personalized training plan. 

Upon completing your ergometric evaluation, the coach will know your exact athletic status at that moment. That is, without having to go over your previous training data, nor having to experiment in the first weeks of your training, before they can properly evaluate your fitness level.

4. Goals for the match

Having gathered the necessary data, it’s time for both of you to start defining goals for the ‘A’ priority race. Drawing from the ergometric evaluation data, these goals shouldn’t be very far off your fitness and performance level. Thus, when planning your Triathlon season, your goal might be, for example:

5. Training experience

It goes without saying, your goals for the race, as well as your preparation, will be clearly shaped by your athletic experience. If anything, you and your coach should approach your race goals with realism. First and foremost, to ensure your health and wellbeing and, second, to help you achieve your race goal. Be that as it may, depending on your training experience, the preparation time — as well as the duration of the intermediate periods —  will vary accordingly.

6. Training days and time

To be honest, if you want to be well-prepared for a Triathlon distance, you need to train almost every day; often, executing training for two sports per day. Hence, you should seriously think about which days you have plenty of free time to devote yourself to your training program. At the same time, you should calculate how long it will approximately take you to complete each day’s training. 

Your coach will certainly let you know about the intervals where your training needs to be long in duration; or if/when there are any special training requirements. This way, you’ll avoid frequent or unnecessary changes in your program; and, the cooperation with your coach will become smoother and much more productive.

Note that it’s important to promptly inform your coach if you suspect there might be certain days when you won’t be able to dedicate the necessary time for training. Your coach will then have to adjust your training program from the beginning. No matter what, scheduled training when planning your Triathlon season is not to be missed!

7. Intermediate ‘B’ priority races 

As it happens, many athletes include ‘B’ priority races, when there’s a lot of time before their target race. Ideally, these races should be temporally far enough from your target race, so that you have the necessary time for both training and recovery. 

Generally speaking, these secondary competitions usually have two main objectives. 

To point out, they may be included in your initial program solely as extra training, to maintain your interest high. However, in this case, your coach has to offer you clear instructions for that ‘B’ race with a specific training tactic. In that manner, you won’t be carried away by other athletes who picked this race as an ‘A’ priority; nor will you be disappointed with a negative result, since you won’t be in a competitive mood. All in all, these races can be ‘played’ at a purely training pace. 

The second objective for participating in a ‘B’ priority race has to do with the distance. To explain, a shorter distance race can help you test your strength and fitness level; so that you can have an idea of how you’ll perform at the target race. Again, pay attention to the date of the race, to make sure there’s sufficient time for both your recovery phase and the goal race itself. Otherwise, it can lead to fatigue and, thus, delay your whole training plan.

8. Periodical ergometric reassessment and redefinition of the training program

Finally — and technically — you need to undergo a regular ergometric reevaluation; approximately, every 6-8 weeks. As, we mentioned earlier, an ergometric evaluation is a must, before starting with your training, so that your coach will know your overall physical condition. 

Still, ergometric assessments should also take place regularly during the training process. Why? Simply put, your athletic needs change as you improve your performance. Ongoing ergometric tests can help your coach adjust your training program to your needs, at each training phase.

Planning your Triathlon for maximum athletic experience!

Every athlete is unique, as is every training process that is tailored to the athlete’s needs and goals. That said, keep in mind that, in this article, we’ve pointed out some general — but important — tips for setting up your Triathlon season. If properly implemented in your training plan, they can help you get the most out of the training process; and, at the end of the day, offer you the maximum athletic experience. 

So go have fun planning your Triathlon season — now you know how to do it right 😉✌!

Try Endogusto!

Planning your Triathlon season, the right way was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Marilena Kokkinou