Onboard your athletes in 4 easy steps with Endogusto

You decided to join Endogusto — your future self will thank you for it 😁—  and now it’s time to onboard your athletes. There’s certainly a lot to do, but with the platform’s simple onboarding process, nothing can slip under your radar! 

If that’s your case, read on dear coach, to find out how to get your athletes up to speed, in no time!

A central place to gather all the information you need from your athletes

Are you tired of the traditional time-consuming onboarding process with endless paperwork back and forth between you and your athletes? You don’t have to put much energy into it anymore! Endogusto takes away all the onboarding hassle by allowing you to complete the process within minutes.

With Endogusto, you have a central place to gather all the information you need per athlete. A single place to create questionnaires, request important files, and send out forms (or your own material), to onboard your athletes quickly and easily.

To give you an idea, from within your Endogusto coach account, you can:

  • Add a welcoming message 
  • Send important documents for your athletes to sign, e.g., service agreement, liability waiver, etc.
  • Request relevant files e.g., medical check-ups, ergometric evaluation results, etc.
  • Create a series of questions that will help you assess your new client’s athletic history to get them started on their actual level
  • Send your updated resume to your new athletes to get to know you better 
  • Add some useful resources to help them find their way through the process e.g., articles, videos, or other useful links

Now that you know Endogusto’s capabilities, let’s see how to onboard your athletes step by step!

Setting up a no-sweat athlete onboarding process with Endogusto

To get right to the point, here’s how you can set up a no-sweat athlete onboarding process in four easy steps, using your Endogusto coach account.

1. Invite them to connect to your Endogusto coach account

You can easily connect with your athlete by sending them an invitation directly to their email address, through your coaching account. Upon receiving your invitation, the athlete will be prompted to create a new account with Endogusto; or log in to their existing Endogusto athlete account, if they’re already registered. The new users will be directed to the signup page to create an account and connect with yours, while existing users will have their accounts joined instantly.

2. Create your custom onboarding form to get all the paperwork at one blow

In addition to sending the invitations to your athlete, you can also include (on the same page) a default template with basic profile setup information for your athlete to fill in. Alternatively, you can create a custom template where you may add any text fields or file-upload/download fields you need. In this step, you can send and request the necessary files and documents, all at once

Once you make the customizations you need, all you have to do is hit the ‘send’ button, and wait for your athlete’s response!

3. Wait for your athlete to accept the invitation

As mentioned, your athlete will receive an email and an in-app notification about your invitation. After accepting the invitation, they’ll be asked to accept the terms and conditions that come with sharing their information with you. Then, the onboarding form will show up, urging them to fill in all the required fields; including downloading, signing, and reuploading the documents you sent them signed. 

As you can gather, in this step, there’s not much you can do. It’s your athlete’s turn to do the administrative work this time. Βut, while you wait, you still have to keep an eye on the process; and, maybe give them a nudge if it takes them too long to respond. 

4. Review the information

When your athlete completes the process, you’ll receive a relevant email and in-app notification informing you of the progress. Thankfully, reviewing the information they shared with you is the last administrative task you’ll have to check off your list. Only make sure that you have everything you need before moving on to the good stuff: Start planning your athlete’s training program!

Start creating and assigning workouts to your athletes, from day one

Congratulations, you’ve successfully onboarded your athletes with Endogusto! The time has finally come for you to put on your coach hat and start creating and assigning workouts to your athletes. The good news with Endogusto is that you can start building training plans right away!

If you’re just getting the hang of Endogusto, you can learn more about building training plans here.

The importance of a smooth onboarding process

Without a doubt, a well-thought-out onboarding process helps coaches quickly create a welcoming training environment for their athletes — an important factor for keeping your athletes warm from the start. To that end, Endogusto’s easy 4-step onboarding mechanism helps you ensure a smooth process, while allowing you to set expectations upfront. This way, you lay the right foundations for a strong coach-athlete relationship

If you want to know more about how to onboard your athletes, you can read a detailed help article here

And, should you have any further questions on how to make the most out of Endogusto features, please contact us here. We’ll be more than happy to answer your questions!

Onboard your athletes in 4 easy steps with Endogusto was last modified: April 10th, 2023 by Eleni Konstantinidou