Endogusto: Communicate with your athletes better than ever, in less time

Sending countless emails, texts, and even newsletters to each athlete every day can be overwhelming for any coach. However, communicating with your athletes is far too important a task to neglect. Consistent communication is essential for creating a personalized training plan for every athlete; while ensuring they’re progressing as expected. To help you out, Endogusto offers all the messaging tools you need to communicate with your athletes, in one place

So, if you’re struggling to keep open lines of communication with your athletes, dear coach, read on to discover how to master this skill with Endogusto 🙌!

Effective communication, in endurance coaching, begins with a smooth onboarding

In the world of endurance coaching, establishing an open communication channel and setting expectations from the start with your athletes is unquestionably crucial for a harmonious relationship with them. Often, good communication starts with a smooth onboarding process. For this reason, in Endogusto, we’ve designed a comprehensive onboarding process that allows you to learn about your athletes’ goals, needs, and potential limitations; like family or work commitments, past or present injuries, etc. 

If you want to know more on how to onboard your athletes with Endogusto

Here's how

How to use Endogusto to simplify and streamline communication with your athletes 

Endogusto makes it easier for you to communicate with your athletes by providing a centralized location to handle all communication. Through your dashboard, you can conveniently access and respond to your athletes’ comments, in a blink of an eye! 

This means that you can wave goodbye to the constant hassle of switching between athletes; and, say hello to honing your communication skills with Endogusto’s messaging tools. 👋

Now, let’s have a look at all the ways you can communicate with your athletes from within your Endogusto coach account:

1. Get a comprehensive view of all notifications and act promptly

As you train more and more athletes, notifications will pile up rapidly. Because of this, you may not be able to quickly identify high-priority messages. With Endogusto, you can ensure that your athletes’ training progress doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. 

How does it work? Endogusto collects all your notifications and organizes them into a single, comprehensive list, ensuring that you don’t miss any critical updates, such as workout comments or invitations. Furthermore, the notifications are neatly categorized, allowing you to prioritize and address the ones that require immediate action.

See how Notifications work

2. Post a note directly in your athlete’s calendar for instant updates

Coaches, don’t let poor communication and limited feedback scare your athletes away! Endogusto’s Calendar Notes feature is here to enable you to communicate beyond workouts and goal-setting; and toward keeping a real connection with your athletes that will help you strengthen your relationship with them. 

Using Endogusto, you can jot down important notes directly in your athletes’ calendars, and notify your athletes with each new entry. Likewise, your athletes can post a note regarding a training session for you to see and offer your feedback. With Endogusto, you’ll never miss a beat in building a positive connection with your athletes.

Learn about Calendar Notes

3. Use the Message Board to quickly post announcements and updates

Don’t you just need a place where you can communicate everything you need to your athletes? Look no further, for Endogusto’s versatile Message Board is here to keep your athletes in the know. From sending messages and quickly posting announcements to sharing files, links, and beyond, the Message Board has got your back!

Find out more about the Message Board

4. Make the most of the “Analyze” screen to interact with your athletes, on the spot

Thankfully, the opportunities for interacting with your athletes in Endogusto do not stop here. You can also use the “Analyze” screen to examine your athletes’ workout data and unlock a treasure trove of insights regarding their performance and progress.

That’s right! The “Analyze” screen is yet another go-to interaction tool within the platform to offer your expert advice and answer questions on the spot. Elevate your coach-athlete interaction game and watch your relationship with your athletes soar to new heights.

See how the Analyze screen works

Building a successful coach-athlete relationship through open and honest communication

You know, coaching is not just about planning workouts and analyzing performance. Building a strong relationship with your athletes through an open channel of communication is equally important — if not more so. 

By fostering a culture of open and honest communication with your athletes, you show them that you are fully invested in their goals and dreams; thus, paving the way for a fulfilling and mutually beneficial partnership.

Now it’s our time to communicate with you, dear coach!

You’re always there for your athletes, but how about someone being there for you, for a change, dear coach?

That’s our way of saying that if you need guidance on how to take your coaching business to the next level, our team is here to answer your questions, lend a listening ear, and help you get the most out of your Endogusto experience. 

That said, don’t hesitate to schedule a demo with one of our experts and discover how Endogusto can boost your coaching at all levels. So, let’s team up to unlock new levels of efficiency in coaching your athletes!

Book a demo with us, today!

Endogusto: Communicate with your athletes better than ever, in less time was last modified: April 12th, 2023 by Endogusto