Work faster with our new, simplified Library

OK, this is an unscheduled release, but we couldn’t wait to let you in on this. Among a host of different things we’ve been working on these past few weeks, we’ve been working on new ways to help you work faster and more efficiently. And, following our latest redesign of our website, we managed to finish up our simplified Library feature. We tested it with a few select users and they were thrilled. That’s why we decided to let it out for all of you to benefit from!

Simplified Library

You, our customers, needed an easier way to create workouts on the calendar. And, you were right, of course. So, you asked, we listened! Now, you can add workouts from the library directly to the calendar, without having to click through a set of sequential popups. Just, drag and drop your preferred workout on the calendar!

And, for future convenience, you’ll be able to add or create workouts faster from the “Library” page, accessible on the navigation bar. You no longer need to do this the hard way; that is, from your calendar screen.

See how it works

Looking for more release notes?

This time, there are no more changes and fixes to keep you busy. After all, it’s only been a few days since our last release! But, we’re hard at work, developing our Fitness/Form/Fatigue graphs, as promised!

That’s it then! We hope you’ll get some great use out of the simplified Library!

Don’t forget our new website design!

We couldn’t help but notice our website wasn’t up to par with your needs. As we grow and evolve, with your help and support, things change for the better. And, our website needed some serious revamping to reflect that. So, we figured we’d do something about it!

We’ve redesigned our website to help you find what you need a lot more quickly, navigating through all the content you need with efficiency. Now, we’re not finished adding cool new things yet, but we’ve included them under the hood. So, you can expect to see a few more cool, timesaving changes in the next few months. Why don’t you take a look? 

Maybe, even tell us what you think, using the “Need help?” button, on the right, using “Website” as your subject!

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Work faster with our new, simplified Library was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Endogusto