The online training program for runners, you need

Today, newbie athletes can easily find any type of online training program for runners; even those who want a more systematic involvement with the sport. With a few clicks on a browser, a variety of training plans and programs are available to all athletes that have access to an internet connection. 

Be that as it may, we always recommend athletes to turn to a specialized and certified coach. That’s simply because, such a coach, can direct them towards optimizing their performance, effectively and with safety. That goes for athletes who either want to start with regular running exercise or have specific goals in mind; for instance, participating in a 10 km race, finishing a half-marathon, a marathon, etc.

But, fret not! Until you find a coach who suits your character — and is aligned with your athletic goals — this article can serve as a rule of thumb for a great training experience. We made sure to include some important running tips — along with an indicative weekly training plan; in the hope that you can start your journey in the world of running, on the right foot! 😉✌

What to consider when you say yes to an online training program for runners

You’ve just started with your running workouts and you’re probably super excited. It’s a natural reaction; however, you need to be able to control your enthusiasm, and not exert yourself. Put differently, the kilometers you run every day should not exceed the limits of your fitness level at this point. Above all, protecting your body from possible injuries — and overtraining syndromes — is of utmost importance.

Also, keep in mind that following an online training program for runners systematically, completely changes the body’s needs for energy and nutrients. For this reason, it would be wise to start following a personalized diet program, too. By doing so, your body will be able to absorb all the nutrients it needs to provide you with the energy the next workout requires. 

In addition to the above, the hydration of your body plays a big part in your overall wellness. During running, the body obviously loses more trace elements and electrolytes, than it does normally. Therefore, don’t forget to drink enough water during the day; as well as during training. You may also want to do a little searching on electrolyte solutions, as they may provide you with the extra hydration you need. Besides, it’s not by chance that so many runners use them.

The online training program for runners you need right now

Take note, the online training program for runners that we’ve worked up for you below is but an indicative plan. When you find the ideal coach for you, they will create a personalized plan that will correspond to your needs and goals; till then, enjoy!

An indicative weekly training program for runners


  • 4 x 10 min run at a moderate pace
  • Rest for 2-3 min; or walk at a moderate pace


  • 40-50 min run at an easy pace


  • 30 min run; alternatively, 2 x 15 min run
  • Rest for 3-5 min or walk at a moderate pace



  • 30 min run, or 2 x 15 min run
  • Rest for 3-5 min or walk at a moderate pace


  • 50-60 min run at an easy pace


  • This is another rest day that will help your body adapt to the training stimuli
  • But, you can do some stretching, to help your muscles recover faster

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Summing up

As mentioned, in this article, we’ve offered you an indicative weekly online training program for runners. Being a generic plan, it works great for beginner runners, temporarily; especially those who want to either just start running or keep to a more structured workout. 
Nonetheless, every athlete has their own unique strengths and weaknesses; hence, for the best results, they should find a professional running coach. Again, a certified running coach will create a training program tailored to the athlete’s needs and goals; while, also, making sure there are no injuries or overtraining syndromes on the agenda.

The online training program for runners, you need was last modified: August 1st, 2022 by Marilena Kokkinou