Success story: VG Distance Runners

Coach Vafeiadis is an active distance runner and a certified coach. Specializing in Marathon distance running, training athletes of all levels (from 2,5 to 4+ h), he trains amateur endurance runners who aim to reach their full potential. 

In 2020 he published a book about long distance endurance training, as a handbook for athletes who wanted to make progress, but could not afford a coach yet. 

Coach Vafeiadis has developed his own training method, which is based on pace and not on heart rate.

Finding a way to include his training method in organizing his workflow was an important prerequisite to finding the proper solution to handle his workload.

Executive Summary

VG Distance Runners was born in 2017, with a single athlete placing his trust on us, to prepare him for his first race. Satisfied with the results, through word of mouth, he helped bring in a small group of people. Today we count more than 50 concurrent athletes, who have achieved very good performances in distances from 3k to Marathon and more.

We aim to help as many amateur endurance runners as we can to fulfill their potential.

Difficulties in daily workflow that called for a solution like Endogusto

As VG Distance Runners started experiencing a bit of an exponential growth, with more people expressing interest to join, coach Vafeiadis had to eventually stop accepting more athletes. The workload became unmanageable; quality of service was about to be critically reduced. On the flip side, having to deprive even an individual athlete of the joy of joining in and reaching their full potential seemed unbearable. That was a turning point that indicated the need of a method to keep business organized and efficient. But, everything had to be controlled by coach Vafeiadis; by, somehow, finding a way to allocate less time in follow ups.

Endogusto improved our workflow, only days after its implementation

When there is no time for the basics, there is no time for excellence, either. Thus, having the least amount of time available to check on every athlete, whether training was successfully done, missed or failed for any reason, made it exceptionally hard to quickly solve the problem, reschedule or communicate with the athlete.

Endogusto did the job for us. It is like an electronic secretary who keeps all the information I need on one screen. With its smart tools, it provides the advantage of creating personalized training programs and monitoring the training progression, at will, in moments.

Not only did it improve our daily workflow, but our athletes’ time management, as well. Since both sides are busy on a daily basis, communication is hard to synchronize, sometimes. Endogusto offers the benefit of reducing the need of communication for clarifications and, thus,  increases available time for evaluation. It also minimizes the time required to send workout details to the forgetful athlete. Now, all one needs is online synchronization. And it did not take long at all to familiarize ourselves with the software.


  • Minimal time to design training plans
  • Easy monitoring and evaluation, enabling accurate readjustments
  • Instant, impactful communication
  • Gradual workout schedule release to athletes
  • Organized comments, per workout
  • Workout and RPE notifications

Oftentimes, the daily hurdles faced by a coach include the business side of things. Easy monitoring, evaluation and readjustments, along with a robust and reliable way to communicate the details could make or break a coach’s game.

Aris Myrkos
CEO, Endogusto

Endogusto also supports our preferred method of coaching, which is, of course, based on pace, not on heart rate.

It is vital and time saving, on every segment (of the workout or race), to have the information of the average pace.
— Ioannis Vafeiadis, Founder

We no longer have to work long hours to design training plans, dynamic planning saves a huge amount of time in gradually releasing workouts to athletes, allowing for personal development and some quality family time. And, we more than doubled our capacity!

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Success story: VG Distance Runners was last modified: May 27th, 2022 by Endogusto