Success story: Triathlon Lab Athens

Triathlon Lab Athens was founded to provide holistic support to Triathletes; including products and services.

Founder and head coach Giannis Psarelis was influenced to get into various sports from early childhood. Competing in his first triathlon at the age of 21, he has since been involved as an athlete, coach, sports events organizer and administrator, anti-doping control officer and sports journalist.

Academically educated in sports management and administration, business management and communications marketing, he became a great believer in Continuous Coaching Development and strives to stay current via seminars, certifications and other coaching developments. While retaining his “out of the window” mentality and a “customer-first” orientation, at the same time.

Executive Summary

For the past 12  years, Triathlon Lab Athens has been fully committed to further improving the quality of coaching services, becoming one of the top, innovative, worldwide endurance coaching teams in Endurance Sports; We aim to have reached this level of quality in the following 4-6 years, eventually contributing to the Triathlon becoming one of the most popular endurance sports.

He has participated in more than 200 triathlon races and achieved over 150 podium places. He has also participated in many other related endurance events (running, swimming) and has completed more than 150 road running races (3km to 80kms)

Among his many achievements and positions in sports management and inspection, he still finds the time to work on various sports websites as an editor or contributing author, giving back to the community. 

Head coach Psarelis maintains that a professional coach needs to be time efficient, even while at the office. He and his team managed to do just that, using Endogusto.

We need to be time efficient in all of our administrative and managerial duties, in order to have more time for our core business, which is coaching our athletes.

Daily workflow hurdles that warranted a software solution like Endogusto

We needed to be time efficient in planning each athlete’s training program; which should also be 100% individualized. We also needed to have immediate feedback from our athletes, as they completed their training sessions.

At the same time, a coaching company — or any company — needs to be able to continually upgrade its services; it’s a highly competitive market. The way we present training sessions — an essential part of our services —  to athletes, is very important.

Being active in the sports coaching industry, it’s 100% crucial to provide high quality services. 
— Giannis Psarelis, Head coach

How Endogusto improved daily workflows after implementation

Endogusto is a piece of software that’s easy to learn. We always wanted to implement something like that for our daily workflows, but we were concerned mainly about our time efficiency in creating training schedules for each of our athletes. As mentioned, our training schedules are 100% individualized. Also, our Library is really extensive, with more than 500 different sessions available. We weren’t really up to the task of manually recreating them on any software platform. 

But, eventually, we were surprised to reap some real benefits, even from day one!


  • Considerably less time designing individualized training schedules
  • Monitoring and readjusting
  • Instant communication
  • Easy import of our existing workout scenarios, into the Workout Library

The endurance coach is literally irreplaceable. There is no real substitute for the human mind and intuition. Software tools should complement our coaching efforts; not override them.

Aris Myrkos
CEO, Endogusto

We strongly recommend the use of Endogusto. We are 100% satisfied with the support we are getting from the entire team.
— Giannis Psarelis, Head coach

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Success story: Triathlon Lab Athens was last modified: May 27th, 2022 by Endogusto