Success Story: Royal CrossFit

Coach Constantinos Pallikaris is a Graduate of Physical Education and Sports Science Department, at the University of Athens. He is also a CrossFit (Level-3) and Endurance Coach; and the founder of Royal CrossFit.

Besides CrossFit and his gym, Endurance sports has always fascinated coach Pallikaris; with running holding a special place in his heart and his training. 

So, he started training people for long distance running (5k to Marathon). Soon, he realized that profiling, record keeping, benchmarking and monitoring are not all that easy, as new athletes keep coming in.

Executive Summary

Exercise and fitness is an integral part of our health. All people should include it in their daily routine. That’s the reason I became a trainer and started Royal CrossFit.

We strive to instill the real value of exercise and fitness to improve people’s lifestyle, by adjusting their mindset, ever so slightly.

The problems faced in the daily workflow

As a coach, coach Pallikaris always wanted to have all his data organized and gathered in one place, with easy access. This includes:

  • Workout  library
  • Profile information
  • Records
  • Benchmarks
  • Training sessions
  • Workout and race results 
  • Training progress

Soon, it became evident that all that information was not very easy to organize; at least, not without some software to support the process. Especially as new business kept coming in. No compromise in quality of service was acceptable. A solution had to be found, to help the team keep providing top notch coaching services.

How Endogusto improved our daily routine, in days

With Endogusto, work time has been reduced and our workflow has been greatly improved. I now have more time to train more athletes and be more effective than before, using the platform.


  • Easy workout library management
  • Centrally managed profile information
  • Efficient record keeping
  • Science-based benchmarks
  • Training sessions scheduling and notifications
  • Workout and race results, with RPE and performance graph
  • Easy and efficient training progress monitoring

Centrally managed information is only the first step in the process of making an endurance coach’s life easy. But, monitoring the progress of each athlete, making precise readjustments, keeping them ever evolving and injury-free are just as important for business, as managing workouts and creating training plans.

Aris Myrkos
CEO, Endogusto

Using Endogusto helps me save time and be a more efficient coach. It makes me feel that I am always “connected” with my athletes.

— Constantinos Palikaris, Founder

Endogusto is a platform made by people who really know what an endurance coach needs. Granted, there are so many applications out there, to do the job. But, the features that come with Endogusto will make your life as a coach really easy. 

Highly recommended software, with a great support team!

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Success Story: Royal CrossFit was last modified: May 27th, 2022 by Endogusto