Success story: PFM Coaching

PFM Coaching was founded to bring science-based coaching methods to runners of all abilities, with a particular focus on effective training. All, while supporting the athlete’s overall wellbeing.

Founder and coach Steven James started running relatively late — at the age of 40 — and has since been involved in running as an athlete, coach, mentor and event volunteer. Initially qualifying as a Leader in Running Fitness with UK Athletics, he then went on to become a UKA certified Coach in Running Fitness, before qualifying through UESCA as an Ultra Running Coach. He holds a BSc Honors in Sports, Fitness & Coaching.

Executive Summary

PFM Coaching is committed to providing a run coaching service that is informed by science and shaped by experience. It aims to bring a quality coaching service to runners of all abilities, focusing on developing fitness, health, belief, motivation and overall wellbeing to allow athletes to achieve their goals and enjoy the process of training.

Steve firmly believes that, to be a great coach, you have to continually review and update your knowledge. He commits to regularly attending courses and seminars; and is undertaking additional qualifications in sports nutrition and strength training.

He has personally completed more than 100 running races, including around 30 ultramarathons, with a number of events over 100 miles and a few over 200 miles. He has achieved top 10 finishes, as well as podium places; and is the current holder of the Limestone Way FKT (Unsupported). He has also completed road cycling events, over 100 miles, and a Duathlon across Scotland that included summiting Ben Nevis.

What difficulties in the daily workflow called for a solution like Endogusto?

Steven believes that the main focus of coaching should always be the athlete — and their needs. He needed a platform that would allow time efficient delivery of the coaching plan to the client. That is, in a clear to understand format, with the opportunity for effective two-way communication. And Endogusto ticked all of these boxes, and more.

How did these difficulties affect the coaching business?

Before Endogusto, considerable time was being spent entering the workouts into the platform. Communication felt disjointed, as it was outside of the platform, so it was not directly linked to the workout it was related to. This was making the information less effective, in the long term, and more difficult to individualize the training schedule.

What did Endogusto offer, in relation to these difficulties?

Endogusto has proven to be very time-efficient with developing and delivering the training plan. Communication also takes place within Endogusto, allowing both coach and athlete to comment on individual workouts. The ability for the athlete to place notes on the platform has also been invaluable, in allowing forward planning to account for holidays and other events; or, even, to schedule a call between coach and athlete.

Endogusto improved our workflow, immediately after its implementation

The benefits of Endogusto were clear to see from day one. Its simplicity to use hides a powerful and efficient platform, which allows for a far more streamlined workflow. This improved efficiency frees up the coach to better serve existing athletes and take on additional athletes, while still offering excellent coaching services. Very importantly for PFM Coaching, there are also metrics that allow the athletes’ wellbeing to be monitored, which is a key part of the PFM ethos.


  • Super fast to design training plans
  • Immediate, relevant and impactful communication
  • Easy monitoring and evaluation, which enables accurate readjustments
  • Enables planning, while accounting for holidays and other events
  • Increased business capacity
  • Organized comments, per workout
  • Workout & RPE notifications

As endurance coaches and endurance athletes ourselves, we were able to work with coaches and the athletes productively, producing helpful and facilitating features, to make everyone’s daily workflow that much easier!

Aris Myrkos
CEO, Endogusto

Endogusto creates efficiency within the admin aspect of coaching, allowing the coach to focus on the most important part of the business — the athlete.
— Steven James, Founder, PFM Coaching

The wellbeing of an athlete is always top priority for PFM Coaching. And Endogusto facilitates this, through science-based metrics and effective communication.

It is clear, Endogusto is built with an understanding of what both the coach and athlete need from their coaching platform. And the team behind it listens to both sides, when developing its features.

Since switching to Endogusto, my athletes have commented on how easy it is to use. Engagement/communication between athlete and coach has improved, as a result.

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Success story: PFM Coaching was last modified: October 12th, 2022 by Endogusto