6 tips you should follow on the Triathlon race day

The most strenuous part of every triathlon race is preparing for it. Just think about the amount of time an athlete spends training, having a specific goal in mind for the triathlon race day. And, what about all the sacrifices an athlete makes, to achieve their goal? So yeah, training for triathlon races is daunting and exhausting — both physically and psychologically. 

But, that’s what we, coaches, are here for! Let’s see some important tips for the day of the race, to help you, dear triathlete, stay focused and complete your goal race successfully.

6 tips for a successful triathlon race day

We get it, training for triathlons is very challenging; and the triathlon race day bears down on you with every passing day. Don’t lose, heart dear athlete; with the following tips you’ll keep your cool, and stay focused on your goal, no matter what.

1. Get to the race venue a day earlier

It’s important to get to the race venue at least a day earlier than the triathlon race day. Why? Because, for one thing, you must deliver your bike to the transition zone. Also, you need to walk around the race and transition areas, to familiarize yourself with the route. This will help you prepare for whatever you might encounter, and come up with an alternative plan to follow; based on possible ‘what can go wrong’ scenarios, of course.

2. Keep your routine consistent

It’s only natural to be a little stressed out on the triathlon race day, maybe finding it a bit hard to adapt to the new environment. For this reason, you have to keep your routine constant, to help your body adapt fast. This routine has to do with your nutrition and hydration, as well as your resting and sleeping schedule. Even if you can’t sleep before the race day, stay laying in bed, to give your body the time it needs to rest.

3. Double-check your equipment

By all means, do not wait for the triathlon race day to check your bike; and the rest of the equipment, of course. No matter how certain you are that you have what you need, and your bike is ready in the transition zone, you must always double-check everything, before you head for the starting line.

4. Charge all the sports equipment that run on batteries, beforehand

As you know, some triathlon races last for a long time; hence, the electronic equipment you use needs to be fully charged before the race day. To that end, make sure that you have everything ready, the night before the race.

5. Stay focused on the race plan

As it often happens with athletes that are about to compete, your feelings will probably fluctuate; both before and during the race. However, your coach has already created a plan for you, after considering all the factors that may affect you that day. Show confidence in your coach’s plan, and stay consistent in its execution. Don’t overlook the race pace part (for all three sports), nor the nutrition and hydration part. We’re highlighting these two especially, because many athletes tend to subconsciously filter them out.

6. Prepare yourself mentally too, for the triathlon race day

It’s scientifically proven that good mental preparation helps athletes boost their performance. So, another tip we have to offer for your triathlon race day, is to take some time and envision yourself in the race. Experience your participation mentally, and develop positive feelings about it. Doing so will help you deal with what is to follow, and keep our morale high.

Remember to enjoy the triathlon race day, as much as you can

Indeed, the preparation period for a triathlon race is full of hardships. Besides, you, as an athlete, have a specific goal to achieve on the triathlon race day; and you have to put all your focus on it. This implies that you also have to make certain sacrifices; more often than not, at the expense of your personal life.

Be that as may, if you follow your coach’s instructions — and all the tips we discussed here — you’ll be able to pull this off. Above all, try to enjoy the event to the fullest; and create beautiful memories. This way, you will make your efforts count, regardless of your race results.
Good luck🍀!

6 tips you should follow on the Triathlon race day was last modified: July 28th, 2022 by Marilena Kokkinou