Prebuilt workout library and test events are here!

We’ve got some great news for you with our latest release! You can now start designing your professionally made training plans without creating a single workout. We’ve got a brand new Prebuilt Workout Library for you, for running, swimming and cycling. And there’s more to come!

And, if you’re wondering how to get started with remote training, we’ve included our brand new Test Events to help you benchmark your athletes before you can personalize their training plans. To top it off, Endogusto will automatically update any workouts if the LT or HR thresholds are changed. 

Not to mention, we’ve added more drag-n-drop functionality, to save you even more time in managing your training plans and communication with your athletes with Calendar Notes.

New, prebuilt workout library

Prebuilt workout library

Yes, we redesigned our workout library. And, as of today, you can use pre-built and custom saved workouts, to significantly reduce the time needed to create a training plan, with reusable workouts. You can create, modify and save workouts at any time in your workflow. Not to mention, all items in the prebuilt workout library are built with the science in mind, and will automatically readjust to each athlete’s training zones. All neat and tidy!

With the standard workout library functionality you can save and reuse any custom workout you’ve created in the past. But, the prebuilt workout library will give you the boost you need, starting to use ready-made, scientifically sound workouts, from day one. That’s extremely helpful, especially if you’re new to the game; no prior experience is required! And, you’ll be able to learn a few tricks of the trade along the way, too; maybe adopt a few new workout ideas. How’s that for off-the-shelf functionality?

So, here are some of the things you can do with the standard library functionality and the prebuilt workout library:

  • Create and save a workout directly in the library
  • Create and save a workout in the library while working on a training plan
  • Save an existing workout from an athlete’s calendar to your library
  • Modify and save an existing workout from an athlete’s calendar to your library
  • Use a saved workout from the library on an athlete’s calendar

Test events for athlete evaluation and reevaluation

How to evaluate an athlete's condition

We know you need to occasionally evaluate every athlete’s physical condition; much more so, if it’s their first time training with you. On one hand, you need to find their strengths and weaknesses, set their training zones appropriately and create a fully individualized training plan for them. On the other hand, you’ll need to reevaluate their status, and the efficiency of their training plan, identifying how each of them responds to their training, readjusting their training zones and workout structure accordingly.

Creating a test event to evaluate the physical condition of an athlete is quite easy. That includes crucial aerobic parameters to determine training zones, like Functional Threshold Power or Heart Rate at Lactate Threshold, and more. Now, you can use a ready-made test to get going in minutes, or create a custom test to your needs. You can save your customized test events in your library, just like any other training event!

Improved Drag-n-Drop functionality

Need to move workout events from one athlete to another, using the Dual Calendar view? Now you can drag and drop them wherever you want!

Need to move notes on a different day? Drag and drop them to where you need them!

You asked, we listened! We’ve broadened drag-n-drop support to even more elements in our app; we did this to save you even more time in managing athletes, creating training plans and handling the way you communicate with them. How’s that for a time saver?

Now, we still believe in the value of your coaching. While you can modify, copy, move and delete a workout, your athletes may only move a workout, if they missed it and need to reschedule. That way, you’ll be sure they won’t inadvertently make any changes to their training plan that would throw them off their objectives.

Automated payments, with Stripe

These last few months, we’ve been offering the premium services in Endogusto for free. It was a great opportunity for you to use it without limits and find out if it’s the right choice for you. And, it has been a rollercoaster ride for us, receiving all of your comments and feedback, making improvements and additions all over the place; making Endogusto heaps better for you!

As of today, our new, automated payment system is available to all existing and new users to get yourselves a well earned subscription with our Pro plan. Start providing professional endurance coaching services today, making the most of our premium services and customer support; especially if you’re new to the game. Not only will you be able to get yourself started in minutes with our prebuilt workout library; you’ll also be able to control your expenses, with a pay-as-you-go pricing policy, increasing your athlete capacity as you gain clientele. With our automated payments system, upgrading, downgrading or modifying your subscription plan will be a breeze, anytime you need it!

BONUS: Brand new Macrocycle look

BONUS: Brand new Macrocycle look

We had some time to spare this time around. We thought we’d redesign our Macrocycle screen for better user experience. Besides, some of you asked for it very nicely; we just couldn’t resist! 

It’s really fun to be able to work on things you need and asked for, especially if it will bring you more value, ease of use and an overall better experience. We wouldn’t want you to be using something that potentially gives you a hard time, on a daily basis, without improving it as soon as possible.

So, there you have it! A new and improved look for out Macrocycle screen is now available, for even better results!

But, wait! There’s more. Here’s a list of all the changes we’ve made in this latest release.

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Release Notes

New features

  • We added a brand new pre-built workouts library, to use on your athletes from day one; no experience required
  • Test events for athlete evaluation and reevaluation are now available on your calendar and can be saved in your library of presets
  • We added an automated payments system, using Stripe, a world-renowned and market-proven, secure payment environment

Improvements and fixes

  • We have a brand new macrocycle look!
  • Improved and expanded the Drag and Drop functionality to workout events and notes
  • Fixed an issue with redirection from a new record notification to the athlete’s screen
  • Fixed an issue with km-based calculations on the workout builder
  • Made improvements on the strength event including a new date selector
  • Fixed an issue with the redirection from an overtraining notification
  • Fixed a minor bug on the analytics screen

Prebuilt workout library and test events are here! was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Endogusto