Dual calendar, calendar notes and notifications with Endogusto

You asked, we listened! And we have some new goodies to make your life easier. Ever wondered how you can copy and paste workouts among athletes of the same sport and caliper? With our brand new Dual Calendar functionality, it will be a breeze. You won’t even have to change between views. And, to improve your communication with your athletes, we’ve added Calendar Notes and improved Notifications, to help you save a ton of time in keeping track of everything.

So, here are some of the highlights in this latest release:

Multifunctional Dual Calendar

Multifunctional Dual Calendar

Creating new workouts is time-consuming. And, most of the time, you need to design workouts you’ve already used elsewhere, probably for the same purpose. Why not be able to reuse them and save time in designing and scheduling new training plans? To take it one step further, every workout you copy and paste elsewhere, will readjust itself according to each athlete’s current training zones.

That’s what we did with our brand new, multifunctional Dual Calendar feature. Comparing plans, copying and pasting workouts wherever you need them and monitoring each athlete’s progress just got a whole lot easier!

  • Reduce the time needed to monitor your athletes: Compare two different training plans for the same athlete, from two different time periods
  • Save time, reusing existing workouts: Copy and paste past workouts on your new plan, giving athletes a sense of familiarity, training with what they already know
  • Reuse your workouts among different athletes: Copy and paste workouts from one athlete to another. If it fits, why do it from scratch?
  • Facilitate athlete monitoring and comparison: Compare two different training plans for two different athletes in the same group, in terms of training loads and summaries, saving a ton of time in performance monitoring
  • Create a new monthly plan, based on last month’s plan: Design new training plans for your athletes, improving on last month’s plans, viewing them side-by-side

Calendar Notes

Calendar Notes

Need to remember something about a certain workout? Need somewhere to keep a note? Now, you can! No more forgetting nuanced details that would help different athletes hit their goals. And, did we mention that, with each new note you create, you can notify your athlete about it? Each note appears on the athlete’s notification list; but they’ll also get an email notification, to make sure they won’t miss it.

But wait! There’s more! You can also edit, copy and paste a note to another athlete, as needed. If nothing else, that ought to help you manage groups of athletes at a fraction of the time.

And, athletes can add their own notes, as well; because, why not take Endogusto one step closer to becoming an all-in-one place for training, managing, monitoring and communicating?

Better notifications

Improved Notifications

Lost in a pool of notifications? It happens; and we know it takes time to sift through the lot and find what matters the most in the moment. That’s why we developed a better way to sort and organize notifications, making sure you won’t miss crucial notifications like invitations or comments on workouts. But, we’ve also categorized them and added an unread badge on each of them. We did that to keep you up to date with how many unread notifications you have in each category, at a glance.

We’ve also improved our email notifications. To save you the headache of finding the right notification, from now on, you’ll be redirected to the exact notification you need, by simply clicking on the button on the email.

Sounds interesting?

All these, and quite a few improvements and fixes are now available in our latest release. So, bring in your athletes, design their training plans, and start monitoring and managing your jobs. It’s all you need!
Here’s a complete list of the new features and functionality and the improvements you can find in this latest release of Endogusto. Make the most out of Endogusto, today!

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Release Notes

New features

  • Dual calendar functionality, to copy and paste or compare workouts, even among different athletes
  • Calendar notes for each workout, to remember all the small details. Nothing falls through the cracks.


  • Optimized notification rendering with all new categorization and sorting.
  • Improvements on the macrocycle. We added a “race” button redirecting you to the races page, so you know your goal.
  • Improved experience on the “add a race” page

Dual calendar, calendar notes and notifications with Endogusto was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Endogusto