Brand new Polar integration, and more!

Great news! We couldn’t wait until our next scheduled release to let you in on this. So, we decided to roll out this smaller, intermediate release, to bring you the ability to get your workouts from your Polar watch, right to your Endogusto calendar. As promised, we will be gradually adding new watch brands for you to be able to use with your training schedule. And, we’ll be working on several different improvements and new functionality, as well; so stay tuned!

Get your workouts to Endogusto, with Polar

Get your workouts to Endogusto, with Polar

So, first things first. As of today, you can synchronize your workouts from your Polar watch to your Endogusto calendar, with our new Polar integration. 

Now, we know you were expecting more things to happen. Don’t worry! We’re working on everything, as promised. We were just itching to bring this first bit of functionality to you, as soon as possible. So, what do you get out of this?

If you’re a coach:

You can now include even more athletes to your ‘family’ and make it all that much easier to collect all the data you need. You can use all this data to offer them the best possible training program to reach their goals; readjustments and thresholds included. 

If you’re an athlete:

You can collect all your training data in one place, getting the big picture of your training plan, for multiple sports. And, if you’re only using a Polar device for one sport, but a Garmin device for another, you’re in luck! You can still collect all your training data into Endogusto.  

Either way, all you have to do is connect your Polar device with Endogusto. Easy as pie!

Here's how

Automatically sync 7 days worth of workouts to Garmin

Need to know what your next workouts will be like, with a glimpse at your Garmin watch? Need to get out of town for a few days and you’ll have limited connectivity to keep everything updated? No problem! We’ve got your back.

With this new addition to our toolkit, we’ll automatically sync the workouts you’ll need for the next 7 days, directly to your Garmin calendar. And if your training zones are changed, your workouts will be automatically updated. That way, you can see them on your watch and perform them without any problems. Here’s how it works: with uninterrupted connectivity, you’ll always have 7 days worth of workouts available on your Garmin calendar. But, if you find yourself on vacation at some distant mountain without an internet connection, you can see and perform 7 days worth of workouts, from your last update. You can synchronize these workouts to Endogusto once you get back to civilization; and you’ll get the next 7 days on your calendar, as well. There you have it! All ready to go on that well-deserved vacation you’ve been waiting for!

Create a free account

But wait, there’s more! We’ve been working on a few additional bits and bobs and we thought we’d include them in this little update:

Release Notes

New features

  • Polar integration: Synchronize your workouts from your Polar watch to Endogusto
  • Automatically sync 7 days worth of workouts from your training program to your Garmin watch
  • Automatically update Garmin Calendar when a threshold or training zoned is changed


  • Default zones in Running start at 50%. This is valid for new users or any existing user that uses the “Set Defaults” button on the Zones screen
  • There is now a dynamic performance scale when you change athletes
  • We brought the “Dashboard” button first in line, for ease of use
  • We removed the limits from the weight field in your profile. It just has to be more than zero
  • Breaks/pauses are now included in our graphs, for more accurate monitoring
  • Stress calculation on pool (lap) swimming   
  • Swimming pool activities now sync with your Garmin calendar


  • We fixed the “Analyze activity” function that acted up when on Dual Calendar mode
  • Made corrections on Passive Rest periods for swimming VO2max intervals, in the default library workouts
  • Fixed the notification for Overtraining/Undertraining

Brand new Polar integration, and more! was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Endogusto