Endogusto: So much more than a training app

When it comes down to designing the most user-friendly training app for coaches and athletes, there is a seemingly endless list of aspects to take into consideration. Up till a few years ago, logs, spreadsheets, paperwork — not to mention guesswork — was the average coach’s daily grind. 

Indeed, a huge pile of workout plans and the overall training process were too heavy a load. So much so, that there was hardly any time left for them to focus on what they love; good ol’ coaching.

Luckily, with the rise of coaching software and training app solutions, coaches can finally focus on their craft. Having their athletes’ training data at their fingertips, they can monitor, adjust, and rectify at a click of a button. 

To be honest, this is exactly why we decided to create Science Training in the first place.  Being coaches ourselves, my team and I knew firsthand the pains a coach has to bear daily. Long story short, this inspired us to design a training app that would help you, fellow coaches, nail your coaching; and, in doing so, you’ll be able to help your athletes nail every race!

A training app designed to bring out the best in coaches and athletes

As a coach, gaining insights into what happens to your athletes during training, both physically and mentally, is pivotal to your — and their — success. Not only will it make a world of difference in your coaching, but in their performance, as well. 

A training app like Endogusto — it’s a platform, actually — helps you monitor and evaluate your athletes, promptly and effectively. Suffice it to say, it offers all the tools you need to get them readier than ever for race day. So, let’s see how the Endogusto app can bring out the best in you and your athletes, shall we?

11 ways the Endogusto app can help you nail it!

1. A carefree coaching solution

You get alerts and notifications every time you need to take immediate action. For instance:

  • If/when your athletes get injured
  • When they skip training
  • If/when they’re overtrained 
  • When their subscription expires, etc.
  • When they write a comment
  • If/when they change their availability for training
  • If/when they achieve a new personal best or we detect a new lactate threshold

2. A fast workout schedule builder

You can make the most of advanced workout creation tools to minimize the time needed to create an ATP or just build a single workout on the calendar.

3. A no-nonsense approach

With the Endogusto app, you get a science-based platform that offers only what you need for your coaching tasks; which means, no screens overloaded with endless options that may lead you off track.

4. Bowing to the coach’s demands

Your coaching needs do matter — that’s why we created Endogusto after all. In short, you get a coach-oriented training app — again, it’s a platform, actually — with new features created based on popular demand. 

5. Serving science-based algorithms for breakfast

Algorithms that assist you in coaching yourself and/or your athletes, you said? You got it! There you go, your low-cost coach assistant, on the cloud.

6. Everything you need, on your dashboard

Endogusto is your control center; in other words, one place to get all the data you need and keep tabs on everything that matters. Rest assured, with Endogusto, time-consuming, complicated coaching processes are a thing of the past.

7. A nearly-automated customer support

That’s right, the Endogusto platform helps you build strong customer support; at the same time, it assists you in taking your coaching services up a notch.

8. A robust communication system

Indeed, Endogusto is an ever-evolving communicating system that is packed with features; namely alerts, smart notifications, comment boxes, and many more.

9. No need to be tech-savvy 

We’re talking about a user-friendly training app here, it doesn’t require experience with online platforms! Also, don’t worry, you won’t need a Ph.D. to understand graphs, summaries, and notifications. 

10. All the extra-curricular processes organized

Keep everything tidy by setting your tasks as reminders; worry not, the app will send a notification when you need it. Plus, you can use reminders to get notified when an athlete’s subscription is about to expire; actually, it will do that for any matter that may require any kind of follow-up.

11. A training app — or platform, rather — created by coaches, for coaches

We may be academic researchers but, more importantly, we’re coaches. We can feel a coach’s pains and needs, down to the bone. But, we also know that the way to address these pains and needs is Science. 

Training up your athletes to their top performance

Ultimately, Endogusto is all about training up your athletes to their top performance. However, it goes beyond that; it also aims to help you, as a coach, operate way more efficiently, in less time. If anything, with Endogusto, you’ll have more time to do what you love; coaching. 
If all this sounds fascinating to you, don’t hesitate to contact us or:

Book a demo

Learn more about Endogusto and what it can do for you!

Endogusto: So much more than a training app was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Aris Myrkos