4 tips to find the running coach of your dreams

Most runners, when they decide to embark on their endurance running journey, usually start off running alone; or with a friend. However, there are athletes who seek out a professional running coach, right from the get go; that is, in order to help and guide them in their new athletic endeavor. 

Whichever case you find yourself in, fellow runner, you should know that selecting a good coach will play a crucial role in the development of your athletic career. To that end, we’ve gathered a few important tips to help you find yourself the right coach 😉!

4 tips on how to find the right running coach, for you

1. Make sure they’re a certified endurance running coach

The first criterion to keep in mind, when looking for a running coach, is whether they’re certified; by either a public or private institution. Depending on the country your potential coach lives — or wants to receive certification for — there are certain programs in sports science (e.g. Exercise Physiologist, etc.), and coaching (e.g. RRCA, etc.), where it’s required to have completed at least one course of study, to practice this profession. 

So, remember to ask them to present you with their coaching certifications. This way, you can rest assured that they have the necessary know-how to coach you effectively. Apart from that, you’ll also know that their approach in coaching and creating a training plan is, above all, scientific.

2. Check out their CV, ask around about them, read online reviews

Οn the quest for the coach that best suits you, a little investigation is always a good idea. Once you’ve got your eye on someone who seems to meet your requirements, search for any information you can find about them. 

This can be either from athletes they coach — or have coached in the past — or from other coaches who know them. You can even do a little digging around on them, online. After all, this is the digital age; with so much information on the Internet you can find the information that you need fast and, thus, speed up the process.

3. Contact them before starting a collaboration

After discovering the running coach who seems to have the required academic training and the good recommendations you expected, you should open a communication channel with them. Not only to discuss your training needs and goals; but also to get to know them as a person, before starting your collaboration. 

That goes to say, you need to be able to understand their philosophy; and, whether it’s compatible with yours. Besides, smooth communication and good chemistry between coach and athlete is necessary for an intimate collaboration like this to be effective. Bear in mind, a coach may be a successful scientist and professional; but may not be the right running coach for you.

4. Don’t concern yourself with their athletic career — or the lack thereof

By no means is a coach’s athletic career — or the lack of it — a testimony of their ability as a sports professional. Put differently, when a coach showcases a successful athletic career does not necessarily mean that they’re good at their job as a coach.

Nonetheless, what should concern you is whether they are certified, or not. As mentioned, a professional coach should have the necessary knowledge to provide you with, above all, a safe training experience. This includes a training program that is based on your athletic and physiological profile; as well as your needs and goals. 

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Key takeaways

When all is said and done, finding the ideal coach is a process that requires time and a lot of searching, before getting a collaboration going. All in all, keep in mind that a good running coach should at least have some basic training in sports science. Also, some coaching experience with other runners will certainly help a lot. 

Another important thing to consider, during the selection process, is whether you are on the same wavelength. That goes to say, you need to cross-check whether their philosophy is compatible with yours; whether there is chemistry between you; and whether you can communicate effortlessly, and efficiently. 

Finally, try not to dwell on your potential coach’s athletic career. Note that a coach doesn’t need to be a successful athlete, to be successful in coaching. What you should throw caution on though, is whether they can provide you with a coaching experience that will make you a better athlete in the sport of your choice.

4 tips to find the running coach of your dreams was last modified: August 1st, 2022 by Marilena Kokkinou