How to train right, using science

Every human being is unique. There is no average Joe when you want to train right. Except for common attributes, like gender, general physical condition, age, body metrics, etc., there are thousands of physiological and metabolic processes that take place in our body. And guess what; every human body responds and adjusts at its own pace and in a practically unique way. 

Why training differs for each individual

Let’s clarify this statement with a small practical example. Suppose we have two individuals, with the same characteristics and physical condition. If we give them the same training stimulus, they are going to respond in different ways. People typically respond in their own ways during an exercise. There are high responders, low responders, and non-responders. Incidentally, this last category may indicate a type of disease. 

According to these observations, a single conclusion can be reached. A training program has to, undoubtedly, be tailor-made. A “one size fits all” approach, just won’t cut it. As such, you can use Endogusto to do exactly that. And that’s what will help your athletes train right

How Endogusto is different

Endogusto features essential scientific tools to help coaches not only design and build a program faster but, most importantly, design a unique program for every athlete. It also incorporates tools that detect overtraining or undertraining syndromes; and sends alerts and notifications with recommended training adjustments. That’s based on an individuals’ training history and evaluation data. 

Furthermore, since we, at Endogusto, have the knowledge to detect any improvement in an athlete’s aerobic capacity and track his progress continuously, that’s also made an integral part of your toolbelt. Remember, our common objective is to help coaches, help athletes, train right.

Last but not least, Endogusto can streamline your workflow, featuring a host of monitoring tools, based on the latest scientific papers and research. That is, to provide the coach and his athletes with the most accurate feedback possible.

Endogusto is a software platform built by coaches for coaches.

Basic training considerations

Of course, like every other science, sports science goes hand in hand with a set of fundamental principles that every coach should be aware of. In brief, here’s what you need to know:

1. The principle of structured training

Any training must come with a specific objective. That’s so the elements that compose said workout can contribute improvements towards this objective..

2. The principle of individualization

As mentioned, it is fundamental to train every individual based on their “one of a kind” nature. This includes training history, physical capabilities, and physiological characteristics.

3. The principle of specialization

Coaches must make their way into a specialized training period after having completed the generic training period. That’s  based on the type of sport and/or the goal of the athlete. For example, what physical abilities does the sport require the most? Is it speed, anaerobic capacity or aerobic endurance and running economy? A coach must be able to recognize these requirements and design every workout session with a single goal in mind, to improve performance on each one of these. 

4. The principles of progressive increase of training load

As a rule of thumb, an athlete has been found to be able to handle – or successfully cope with – only a 5-10% increase in their training load, every week. You may be wondering, how can this be the same for all athletes? Can a professional athlete handle the same increase in training load as a recreational athlete? Of course not; and the reasons why have already been mentioned above. Nevertheless, this still remains a valid rule of thumb. 

And that’s how you can design a training program to help your athletes train right!

Personalized training – what to consider

We know just what you’re thinking. Things have just gotten very complicated! But bear with us, and you’ll be able to help your athletes train right, in no time.

Theoretically, a coach designing a training program also has to take into consideration the:

  1. Medical profile (heart and lungs functioning, bio screenings, blood tests)
  2. Biomechanical profile (motion control, possible differentiation between the height or strength between legs, previous accidents that affect in joint function)
  3. Ergometric assessment (Vo2 max, maximal strength, anaerobic reserve capacity, the economy of motion, agility, etc). 

Furthermore, a coach must be informed of past training activities and, of course, get a grasp of the average family, work and social responsibilities for every individual, before designing a training program that works.

Well, we hope you still want to be a coach, after getting a glimpse of all the science involved in well informed decisions. But you don’t need to worry, we promise. Endogusto can and will help you find your way out of  this odd impasse. No science-savvy required, either!

How do you know you are doing it right?

Here’s our take on it. If you think about it, there are only two paths you can follow:

  1. Guesswork and praying
  2. Structure planning and monitoring

We do not design or develop training plans using this first method, any longer.

Structured training: Train right

When planning for a structured training, a coach needs to apply knowledge and experience, combined with the 4 training principles, for the perfect training program! Still, nothing is going to be perfect without closely monitoring each athlete. The entire training procedure, as well as the human body are not part of a static process. They’re, rather, a part of a totally dynamic one. Things change rapidly, either for endogenous or for exogenous reasons. Endogenous reasons include, but are not limited to a more rapid than anticipated improvement in the athlete’s capabilities. These reasons will affect the program (volume, intensity, load, etc). Then, there are the exogenous reasons, like a pandemic situation, where races get postponed (even the Olympic games). 

Monitoring is the holy grail in the arsenal of every great coach. There is no other way to do it, there never was. Endogusto features a series of “set and forget” tools, including a very clear and simple alert system. One that every coach will enjoy, as it will make life that much easier! One only needs to consider the practicality of having an algorithm analyze – and deduce – whether your designed training workouts leverage each of your athletes’ training load optimally; and inform you with just an email, on a daily basis!

Put yourself into the mix

If you put your knowledge, experience and training philosophy into the mix with Endogusto, the output will be a fully individualized training approach, with an order of magnitude less time required for adjustments, on the coach’s side. And it goes along with a training system that takes care of each athlete’s progress! Easier, Faster and heaps more effectively!

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How to train right, using science was last modified: July 7th, 2022 by Aris Myrkos