Build athletes their training plans for Ironman, now

Building training plans for Ironman triathlon is probably the most enjoyable and, at the same time, challenging process for coaches. Not only for the level of difficulty entailed by such a demanding race; but also for the multitude of elements that every coach must take into consideration. In other words: guesswork does not fit in Ironman training!

What to consider when setting up training plans for Ironman

1.The distance

It goes without saying, 140.6 miles (≈226.3 km) is a tough distance; meaning, for both pros and first-timers. It is up to coaches to train their athletes in a super effective way, but how are they going to deal with this challenge? Well, building strategic training plans for Ironman requires science

Making the most of science-based data, coaches can achieve for their athletes:

  • a solid aerobic base
  • high level of technique
  • a strong musculoskeletal system
  • mental strength
  • increased thresholds 

In science terms:

  • Critical velocity
  • FTP, and 
  • Lactate Threshold. 

And all these, not for one, but for three sports: swimming, biking, and running, respectively!

2. Combining Swim – Bike – Run – Strength

Triathlon has four disciplines to combine: the 3 Ironman sports, and strength workouts. Thus,  coaches must combine them effectively and apply them to all training plans for Ironman; specifically, for at least 2-3 workouts per sport/week. In effect, this is where your coaching journey begins. 

Now, as you embark upon this journey, you probably ask yourselves:

  • What is the most optimal way to combine sports? 
  • How many hours of pause should there be between them? 
  • Where should strength workouts be applied? 
  • Which is the most optimal way to execute a long ride and long run in consecutive days? 

To be honest, there is no standard answer to these questions, and that’s what makes coaching unique; after all, “coaching is an art”, as many claim. And, while this statement holds truth in it, in my humble opinion, real coaching is — or at least should be —  a dynamic mixture of art and science

3. Monitoring the training load 

Monitoring is, on its own, an essential but painstaking procedure. To elaborate, it requires data collection, analytical skills, knowledge, and experience — if you are to arrive at a valid interpretation/conclusion. Imagine how difficult monitoring is when it comes to creating training plans for Ironman triathlon; that is to say, for three sports!

All things considered, coaches must:

  • Calculate the training stress for each workout in all three sports.
  • Find a realistic way to make the most of the data compiled from sports watches.
  • Collect the perceived exertion for every workout; and for every athlete.
  • Try to solve the puzzle between maths, algorithms, athletes’ perceived exertion, and performance. 

Or, they can just save themselves some time and energy, by using a science-based, easy-to-use software, like Endogusto.

Science Training: Creating and optimizing your athletes’ training plans for Ironman

As outlined at the beginning of this post, coaching is both an enjoyable and challenging process. Unless, of course, you use Endogusto. But, how will this software help you create and optimize your athletes’ training plans for Ironman? Among other things, it will:

  • Collect all the data right from your athletes’ watches.
  • Calculate the stress and other important parameters, such as fitness, form, fatigue, etc. 
  • Notify you if something, or someone, veers off course!
  • Offer you the time you need to focus on coaching — and nothing else, for that matter. 

Simplifying coaching for you

All you’ve got do is put all your knowledge to the forefront; then: 

  • Build the macrocycle, either automatically or customize it based on your athletes’ needs and requirements.
  • Set the training time and intensity distribution, per week.
  • Start building the plan on the athletes’ calendar, using a fast workout builder. 

Furthermore, you can predict the amount of stress per week, or rearrange the desired distribution. Once you’ve set up the training plans for Ironman triathlon, just connect to the app and start managing and monitoring, right away. Besides, you can set your reminders and check the notifications, to keep an eye on all the important stuff. 

All in all, Science Training is just good ol’ coaching — without the hassle. Wanna learn more?

Create your free account

Build athletes their training plans for Ironman, now was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Aris Myrkos