Brick training for beginners: Two tips you should know

If you want to be successful in the triathlon, especially if you’re just starting, brick training for beginners should find its place in your weekly — or bi-weekly — plan. 

So, if you’re up for it, read on to find out what a brick workout is; and also, what to consider when you’re a beginner in brick training and why it’s an important workout for your first triathlon.

What is brick training? 

Broadly speaking, brick training is when two different sports succeed one another, without rest between them. In a triathlete’s mind, a brick workout is the immediate transition from cycling to running. As far as brick training for beginners goes, the first-timer should train their body to respond fast and smoothly in this transition. To that end, we consider the brick workout a key training session.

Why is it called ‘brick’?

This is a good one! Well, according to some, it’s called that because after brick training they feel their legs super heavy — like bricks. Others claim that alternating sports somehow feels like stacking one on top of the other; just like laying bricks. Then, there are those who believe that the term was inspired by the world duathlon champion, Matt Brick, who used the word ‘bricks’ in his training; thereby, made this phrase famous. 

Brick training for beginners: Two things to keep in mind, for optimal performance 

1. Duration

In general, the duration of a brick workout for beginners depends on the triathlon distance for which each athlete is training. Ideally, a newbie should be introduced as smoothly as possible to this type of training. In other words, they should increase the duration, gradually; that is, in order to give their body the time it needs to adapt to this new discipline. 

For instance, a good start for a first-timer would be to combine the steady-state bike workout, with a 10-minute free-run transition. Keep in mind, however, you need to increase the duration by 10-20% every week; so that the run ultimately lasts 20-40 minutes. 

2. Intensity

When asking about duration and intensity, the answer will always be dependent on various factors. However, we’re talking about brick training for beginners here, so things are a bit limited. As mentioned, when it comes to first-timers, we’re not so much concerned with intensity, as we are with duration. And why is that? Only when the athlete manages to adapt to the requirements of brick training, and steadily raises the total duration, can they focus on intensity. Naturally, the goal is to run — after the bike session — at the race-pace intensity, so that the body adapts to it. Hence, the athlete is able to perform to the maximum, on the race day.

Triathlon: The importance of brick training for beginners

It goes without saying, brick training for beginners is essential for participating in triathlon events; even more so, when it’s your first time doing it. If your body isn’t accustomed to transitioning from cycling to running, it won’t be able to adapt smoothly. That’s what the training period is for — to achieve an effortless transition between sports. 

Physiologically speaking, cycling is a completely different exercise from running. With a well-structured brick workout, both the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems develop all the necessary adaptations, for optimal performance.

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Brick training for beginners: Two tips you should know was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Endogusto