Why you should run a Marathon Authentic

When runners speak of the ‘Marathon Authentic’, there’s only one place that comes to their mind: Kallimarmaro, Athens; aka, Panathenaic Stadium. Yes, the Marathon Authentic is the Athens Marathon; the mother of Marathons! Even though we won’t be having the pleasure of running in the Marathon this year — due to the COVID-19 outbreak —  we thought that we should at least write an honorary post about it! 

Footracing back in history

It’s 490 BC, Ancient Greece. Pheidippides, a herald, is said to have run from Marathon town all the way to Athens; to clarify, we’re talking about a distance of a little over 25 miles. Above all, he had an important message to convey: the Greek army’s victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon. Sadly, after making his announcement, uttering the famous word ‘nenikikamen’ (meaning ‘we have won’), the exhausted messenger collapsed and died.

Next stop, the year 1896 and the first Olympic Games. Marathon athletes have run the distance, and are now crossing the finish line at the Panathenaic Stadium. The winner? A (very fast) young Greek water-carrier, Spyros Louis; who, as a matter of fact, won the race with a 2.58 finish time. And thus, the first page of the Olympic Games history was written, and a national hero leaped out of it.

Fast forward to our time. Nowadays, Marathon events take place all the time, all over the world. Except for professional athletes, countless normal-life trainees participate in these amazing Marathon races, as well. Undoubtedly, Marathons have become a popular “phenomenon”; and, for many, a lifestyle. No wonder why there is a whole industry working to the hilt, for Marathons and marathoners alike. You see, more than 800 Marathon events are being held every year. Ahhh… nope 😡. Not in 2020 😭.

Αthens Marathon Authentic —  a runner’s holy grail

As we’ve already mentioned, many metropolises around the globe hold Marathon races; cities that are, admittedly, more attractive than Athens; to mention a few, Chicago, Boston, New York, Paris, or Tokyo. Nonetheless, the Athens Marathon, starting at Marathon town and finishing in the crowded Kallimarmaro stadium, is really something else. So, what makes the Marathon authentic — Athens Marathon —  the holy grail for every devoted marathoner? Hmm, let’s see:

1. The Athens Marathon is the mother of all Marathons

First and foremost, no one can contradict that the Athens Marathon is the mother of all Marathons. It goes without saying, it’s a race every marathoner should run, at least once in their life.

2. Then, there’s history 

Indeed, Athens is the motherland both of “nenikikamen” and the first Marathon authentic, at the Olympic games. In fact, runners run the original route, hence they pay tribute to these two significant historical events.

3. Obviously, there’s also the Kallimarmaro stadium

Kallimarmaro is one of the most imposing stadiums in the whole wide world, built in the 3rd century B.C. On race day, the iconic stadium swarms with runners and spectators, exuding an atmosphere of reverence. Believe me when I say, there’s something magical going on in this place on Marathon day.

4. Not to mention the particularity of the terrain 

Mind you, an ascent of 360m (⁓ 1182 ft) is waiting for you on the Athens Marathon route. Well, this alone is a good reason to participate; that is to say, the Marathon Authentic is one of the most difficult Marathons in the world. But, if you are a person who enjoys a good challenge, you’ll love it; make a note to register (oops 😬, next year, hopefully 🤞). 

5. You won’t find more cheerful and staunch supporters

The Greeks are famous for their ‘meraki’ and ‘filotimo’; they’re a passionate lot. Prepare to have thousands of ‘shiny happy’ people along the route, encouraging you to keep going and never quit; for (26.2) miles on end! Oh, and if you’re lucky, maybe one of them will treat you with a Greek “souvlaki” to-go 🥙😜.

6. Last but not least, well, it’s Athens city, itself 

Be thou a history/culture aficionado or a nightlife lover, this city offers the best of both. Besides, Athens is the city that never sleeps. 

If these reasons haven’t convinced you yet (especially the souvlaki), I don’t know what will!

Racing up to the end of the pandemic

This has been such a difficult year for everybody. As you know, the Athens Marathon — or any other Marathon, for that matter — has been canceled. Nevertheless, we are runners; seasoned or amateurs, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we don’t give up!
Before you know it, you’ll be running the Athens Marathon 2021. The best thing is that you have a whole year to prepare. So, fellow runners, keep on runnin’. Hope to see you there next year ✌!

Why you should run a Marathon Authentic was last modified: November 9th, 2020 by Endogusto